“Quality” in Business Valuation: Quality Reports? or Quality Business?

Quality business does not come from quality business appraisal reports. That’s the starting point. Quality business comes from developing reputations (personally and for our firms), building a brand (through longevity, specialization, size, etc.), and developing and maintaining quality relationships (those that can bring or refer quality business).

Who Says That Business Appraisers Agree On Everything?

“Given my experience as an attorney working with business appraisers and reviewing business appraisal reports, and the frustration that sometimes was caused because of the seemingly divergent practices of business appraisers, I sensed the need for a resource for people like me – people who were NOT appraisers but needed to better understand business appraisal theory, appraisal standards, and the issues present in the business appraisal profession.”

A New Book You Shouldn’t Miss: A Reviewer’s Handbook to Business Valuation

Together, Paul Hood and Tim Lee have tackled what so many have talked about for years but have been either unable or unwilling to do—present basic valuation theory along with practical lessons and tips to aid users of business valuation reports make sense of the report. A Reviewer’s Handbook to Business Valuation is a welcome addition to the business valuation profession.

International Valuation Standards Advancing

The International Valuation Standards Board (IVSB), a board of the International Valuation StandCards Council (IVSC) met in public meeting format on May 4-5, 2011 in London. Richard Berkemeier, ASA (machinery & technical specialties) and  Chris Mercer (that’s me)  (business valuation, of course) were attending and representing the American Society of Appraisers. While there was a […]

Trust Powers: Not All States are Equal

According to The Trust Advisor Blog, Alaska, Delaware, Nevada and South Dakota remain the top states for establishing trusts.  My home state of Tennessee is in the second tier of states with favorable trust powers.  This list is reproduced from the blog. The table provides three tiers of states based on relative attractiveness for trusts.  […]