The title of this post is also the title of a presentation authored by L. Paul Hood, Jr., JD, LLM, co-author of the book A Reviewer’s Handbook to Business Valuation: Practical Guidance on the Use and Abuse of a Business Appraisal, along with Timothy R. Lee, ASA of Mercer Capital.
The sub-title of the presentation is “10 Burning Issues Within the Business Appraisal Profession for Consumers of Business Appraisal Reports.” Paul originally gave a version of this presentation at the NACVA/IBA Annual Consultants Conference in May, 2009. This presentation turned out to be the genesis of A Reviewer’s Handbook to Business Valuation.
As Paul stated on the book’s website:
Given my experience as an attorney working with business appraisers and reviewing business appraisal reports, and the frustration that sometimes was caused because of the seemingly divergent practices of business appraisers, I sensed the need for a resource for people like me – people who were NOT appraisers but needed to better understand business appraisal theory, appraisal standards, and the issues present in the business appraisal profession.
That led to the presentation I gave in 2009 at the NACVA/IBA conference that identified 10 issues that could give users of appraisal reports heartburn. From there, the idea of the book was born.
A Reviewer’s Handbook to Business Valuation: Practical Guidance on the Use and Abuse of a Business Appraisal seeks to pull together these sometimes confusing and confounding issues and make sense of them for USERS of business appraisal services.
I wrote the Foreword for this book and recommend it! You can view the presentation here.
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